

How Stories Can Change Our Lives

If you’ve read even a few of my writings (books, blogs, newsletters) you know I’m really big on storytelling. The truth is, our brains are wired for stories. Science is now proving what life experience has always shown: we feel before we think. It’s stories that attract us, stories that help us learn the most, stories that get us to buy, or click, or act.

Meet Nimisha Ladva.

Communication – Argh!!!

Well, I have to say this is funny video because it is so true! This happens all the time and is EXACTLY why I created my business. Poor communication, particular when discussing a “technical” issue can lead to wasted time, poor decisions, and of course, wasted money. Having the ability to communicate in a clear, concise, compelling manner is essential to the success of your business.

Invention Project – My Young Entrepreneurs

Today, I spent several hours researching possible inventions! Why? Well, my daughters were assigned an invention project for school. Parents are allowed to help as long as the idea is their’s to begin with.

Not surprisingly, each of my daughters came up with an idea for organizing stuff. (The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree!). I never really realized it, but I’m a bit of an organizing nut.

How to Make Connections with the Audience

This week I had fun listening to Nigel Marsh’s talk How to Make Work-life Balance Work. Nigel is an author of Fat, Forty, and Fired and Overworked and Underlaid. He talks about the cliche “work-life” balance and how we can actually make that happen.

How to Talk More Interesting and be Memorable

This week I watched the talk by Dan Gilbert called The Surprising Science of Happiness. I learned that the happiness was not what people usually think it was. Dan explains that when people don’t get what they want, we make up our own “synthetic” kind of happiness.

Can Brain Training Reverse Aging ?

I think I may need some brain training! Some mornings it feels like my body gets out of bed, but my brain slept in. I’ve gotten dressed with my shirt on backwards, I’ve worn two different shoes to delver a presentation (in my defense they were very similar), and I’ve forgotten to take my phone with me –so many times, I can’t count.

I Still Get Nervous!

This week I found myself preparing for two very important mini-presentations. I was surprised when I felt my heart racing just before delivering these presentations. I was nervous (and I rarely get nervous) because these were personally important presentations.

Unravelling Mysteries of Language

As you can imagine, I’m fascinated by language. A good friend of mine sent this to me today. Some of them I knew already, but many of them I didn’t.  (One or two, I have even wondered about.)

I hope you enjoy them as much as I did.  Oh, to be clear, this is something you should read when you are looking for entertainment, not education.

Copyright Lisa B. Marshall ©2012-2016. All Rights Reserved. Photo of Lisa B. Marshall by Joan Ford Photography.