

How to Be Happy Even When Life Sucks

Here are the resources for the Choose Happiness Even When Life Sucks episode of  The Public Speaker

The Problem With Happiness

Another Study by the Same Author Above (Kashdan, T.B., Breen, W.E., & Julian, T. (2010). Everyday strivings in combat veterans with posttraumatic stress disorder: Problems arise when avoidance and emotion regulation dominate. Behavior Therapy, 41, 350-363.

Passion – The Bob Seger Experience

Public Speaking, Bob Seger, & Passion

Last week on the show I talked about Bob Seger…
The Secret to Great Public Speaking

Why did I talk about him?
I love Bob Seger–not because of his music, but because of his passion. I went to a concert when I was high school and I when I was watching Bob and his band play I felt like they were just a bunch of high school boys horsing around and playing music in someone’s basement.

What is that?

Listener Chitra Sivasankar from India shared a very touching video on his Facebook Wall. Maybe you’ve seen it?

It’s a video of an old man asking his grown son several times “What is that?” The first time the son responds, “A Sparrow”. The son gets progressively impatient with the father. Eventually he explodes at him, “Dad, It’s a s-p-a-r-r-o-w.

Failure is a good option!

“Failure is NOT an option.” I really don’t like that phrase. (It’s from the Apollo 13 movie.)…I know, I know, it was meant to imply that it’s never a good idea to lose hope or give up.  We should always look  for alternatives.

However, I think many people perhaps look at that phrase from the wrong perspective.  “Well, unless I can get it right, I’m not going to try.

What you imagine is what you get? (WYIIWYG)

Remember when the phrase “WYSIWYG” was first introduced? I do. I was working at IBM at the time working as part of the “DisplayWriter” team (this was the a dedicated wordprocessing machine). I remember hearing and learning the terms WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) and “ergonomic”. That was back in 1984.

Copyright Lisa B. Marshall ©2012-2016. All Rights Reserved. Photo of Lisa B. Marshall by Joan Ford Photography.