Want to know how Guy Kawasaki Tweets? http://bit.ly/MKxyB As usual he has a unique point of view. I definitely agree with his repeat tweet strategy.
Social Media
Twitter Policy! I’ve been waiting for this.
I’ve been waiting for someone to come out with something like this. An official “Twitter policy”. Well, it’s not exactly that, but it is a policy about disseminating information to “anonymous third parties”.
I copied the policy below. I suspect others will be showing up very soon, if they haven’t already.
Here it is.
What do the AMA and Oprah have in common?
This month both the AMA and Oprah jumped onto the Twitter bandwagon. I’m not sure which is more surprising to me.
If you still yet don’t know what Twitter is click this link to find out the basics of Twitter.
Best Presentations You've Ever Seen
About six months ago I decided to post a question on LinkedIn to find out what the BEST presentations are. I’ve been searching high and low on the internet.
Now I am asking tweeple from Twitter to tweet-in with their thoughts.
Tell us in the comments the BEST presentations you ever saw and if you have an extra moment, tell us why!
Here’s what I have so far from my friends on LinkedIn…