How to write a grant proposal
To be very clear, I am NOT an expert on grant proposals. However, I get asked the question so often, I thought I provide some links (from the experts) on how to do this right. I hope this helps!
If YOU have a great resource, let us know in the comments! Thanks!
- Inside the NIH Grant Review Process This is a NIH Video cast of the NIH Grant Scientific Peer Review Process (39 minutes)
- What You Need to Know About Electronic R01 Submissions, Alan Kotok (
Getting Ready for Electronic R01 Submissions, Alan Kotok ( NIH now requires that applicants submit proposals for its R01 research grants in electronic, rather than paper, form. These 2 articles, parts 1 and 2 of a 2-part series, provide some background, explain the process NIH has devised for submitting electronic R01 applications and the key steps researchers and grant administrators should have taken before the February deadline, and report on how NIH prepared for this process. - An Evidence-Based Guide to Writing Grant Proposals for Clinical Research. Inouye and Fiellin (Ann Intern Med 2005; 142: 274-282) [PDF document is free] — Describes types and sources of grant funds, provides key recommendations regarding the grant-writing process, and highlights grant
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