Well, I have to say this is funny video because it is so true! This happens all the time and is EXACTLY why I created my business. Poor communication, particular when discussing a “technical” issue can lead to wasted time, poor decisions, and of course, wasted money. Having the ability to communicate in a clear, concise, compelling manner is essential to the success of your business.
Can Brain Training Reverse Aging ?
I think I may need some brain training! Some mornings it feels like my body gets out of bed, but my brain slept in. I’ve gotten dressed with my shirt on backwards, I’ve worn two different shoes to delver a presentation (in my defense they were very similar), and I’ve forgotten to take my phone with me –so many times, I can’t count.
Women in STEM Conference
There are very few speaking engagements that I do that are open to the public. This is one of those rare opportunities. If you live in the Lancing Michigan area, I’ll be the keynote speaker for the Women in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) Conference. The conference is October 17-18, but you can register just for the keynote.
How To Teach Better
This is a lecture given by Patrick Winston of MIT. It’s a bit dated, but I think he makes some good basic points about teaching. Enjoy.
Introduction (2:45, 6.5 MB)
How to Start (2:15, 5.8 MB)
The Big Four (6:30, 17.1 MB)
Time & Place (3:01, 8.7 MB)
The Blackboard (3:19, 9.8 MB)
Overheads (4:03, 11.3 MB)
Props (2:37, 5.4 MB)
Style (4:12, 10.2 MB)
How to Stop (4:00, 10.
Who knew geeks can get jiggy?
I did!
I LOVE this video…especially since my nephew is a particle physicist at Harvard!
If you are a fellow geek you’ve got to view this video that explains particle physics and the new accelerator using rap music…Here’s the video.
Oh, and in case you are wondering what jiggy means….you can learn more here.
Let me know what you think in the comments.
Do blondes have more fun?
Turns out Charles Darwin took this question very seriously! Who knew?
He was interested in understanding if hair color had effects on mate selection. Here’s an article from UK’s Telegraph describing what was uncovered as a result of the Darwin Correspondence Project which is attempting to compile 15,000 of the letters that Darwin wrote and received during his lifetime.
Plutoid – We finally have an answer!
Today is a MOMENTOUS day in science. I am thrilled because I FINALLY have the answer!
Let me back track a bit, before I tell you the “big news”. You see, about a year or so ago, I started telling my then 3 year old identical twin daughters, “I loved you from here to Pluto and back.
Sections for scientific poster presentation
Recently I delivered a seminar on Scientific Poster Presentation. I made a handout to provide details on what you should include (and exclude) for each section of the poster.
I thought you might find this useful so I decided to post.
If you disagree or have something to add or modify it would be great if contributed via the comments. I will update based on feedback. Oh, here ya go..
Fakery among scientists?
This past Thursday the Chronicle of Higher Education reported “Journals Find Fakery in Many Images Submitted to Support Research”.
I was astounded. How could this happen?
In two weeks I’ll be at Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center delivering a talk to “young scientists” and I am now wondering if I should add a piece in that says…
Free resources for early career scientists – awesome!

I was preparing for a networking seminar, so I decided to use my own professional network to prepare for the seminar (tricky, huh?). Anyway, while speaking with Julian Lum, Ph.D. he mentioned two great resources aimed at post-docs and early career scientists. These two books can be downloaded for free (for non-commercial use) from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute.