Online Writing Courses for Biomedical professionals

I know many of you would like help with your writing skills. Here are two courses (one free, one fee) and a link free videos and handout from writing workshops.

Fee Online Academic Writing Course:

The first one, is a fee online academic writing course from University of Pennsylvania. I have heard fabulous reviews from people who have gone through this training. Well worth the fee.

Then BPP and Penn’s English Language Program (ELP) have designed the perfect online courses for you. No assigned class times, flexible due dates, and only a 3-5 hour time commitment per week over a 14-week period. The courses are designed for non-native, as well as native English speakers.

Click here for the course descriptions
Click here for registration instructions

Free Online Academic Writing Course:

This free course is designed to help you successfully publish biomedical papers in English. It provides a full outline of the preparation of manuscripts with regards to planning, style, structure and composition.

They also offer a free email newsletter that regularly provides additional tips and advice on every aspect of writing and publishing a biomedical manuscript.

Free Online Video for Postdocs:

The Office of Intramural training at NIH has a great training program and they record the video and usually post the slides and handouts. The quality is excellent. The only downfall, is that you didn’t get to attend the session live! These are worth your time.

Here are three titles:

Workshop: Scientific Writing from the Reader’s Perspective
Workshop: Written Communication Skills
Workshop: CV and Resume Writing: Preparing Effective Job Search Correspondence

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