Monthly Archives

January 2012

Unravelling Mysteries of Language

As you can imagine, I’m fascinated by language. A good friend of mine sent this to me today. Some of them I knew already, but many of them I didn’t.  (One or two, I have even wondered about.)

I hope you enjoy them as much as I did.  Oh, to be clear, this is something you should read when you are looking for entertainment, not education.

Behavioral-based Intervew Questions

When I was graduating from college Exxon Mobile (at the time Mobile Oil) was training their managers in behavioral-based interviewing. They needed practice candidate so they came onto campus to give young college students (like myself) a chance.
I needed practice interviewing so I went to the classroom to practice.

Brand Icons and Social Media

I can’t remember many brand icons from my childhood, but I do remember one that was “Grrrrrreat”…of course that was “Tony the Tiger”…ah the days of simplicity. Today, we are seeing a resurgence of brand icons and they are ‘not your fathers’s’ icons.

Today’s icons are far more complex and multi-dimensional. They have facebook pages and Twitter profiles.

Copyright Lisa B. Marshall ©2012-2016. All Rights Reserved. Photo of Lisa B. Marshall by Joan Ford Photography.