Monthly Archives

April 2008

How to write a grant proposal

To be very clear, I am NOT an expert on grant proposals. However, I get asked the question so often, I thought I provide some links (from the experts) on how to do this right.

Help for the pre-professional (free training!)

Here’s a great link for all of the “pre-professionals” reading this blog.

Microphone? Always!

Tip: Always request to use a wireless microphone it helps you to focus and connect with your audience without worrying about being heard.

Recently, I was fast-forwarding through a video tape of a conference proceeding trying to find “my” speaker –the person who had scheduled a one-on-one private coaching session.

How fast do I speak?


When I am making presentations about public speaking or delivering a podcast (yes, that really is me in the picture above), I often talk about the perceptions formed based on the rate of speech of the presenter.

Public speaking review

One way to improve as a speaker is to listen to others and think about what they did well and what they could have done for improvement. Here’s your chance.

Listen to an interesting talk then see if your review agrees with mine.

Peter Busby is a well-known architect specializing in ‘green’ design. You only need to listen to the first few minutes to understand my review.

Copyright Lisa B. Marshall ©2012-2016. All Rights Reserved. Photo of Lisa B. Marshall by Joan Ford Photography.