Breathing Exercises

Was does African drumming, Mexican folk dancing, roller exercise, and chanting have in common?

Each of these were classes that I took at a beautiful health spa in Mexico.

Perhaps the most surprising class was the chanting class, which included a lot of time discussing breathing.

How do YOU start a conversation?

For those that have attended my professional networking seminars you’ve already heard many of my ideas on how to start a conversation and for those that haven’t yet attended I created the list below.

How to Start a Conversation

25 Perfect Phrases for Starting a Business Conversation

Have you ever wondered how to start a business conversation?

Conversation is the art of combining questions, listening, and self-disclosure so that two strangers can build a common ground between them. Be attentive, be curious, and be sincere.

What if you can't pronounce their name?

After a recent seminar, a participant asked me the following…

“Can you tell me what to do if I don’t know how to pronounce someone’s name. For example when I am referring to their work in a presentation and when I meet someone in person?”

I think it might be better to refer this to a manner’s expert, but I’ll give it a shot.

Do I mention I am pregnant when making a presentation?

Recently, I received an email from one of my online public speaking workshop participants.

She wrote, “I am interviewing for a position and I am deeply pregnant. Should I somehow mention this just before my job talk? From one point of view, it sounds unprofessional. On the other hand, some people might focus more on the fact that I am pregnant than on my talk. Any advice?”

Here was my reply…

How to tell a good story for presentations and speeches

Why do we tell stories?

Every night, after tooth brushing, my pajama-clad identical twin daughters crawl into their beds and ask, “Who is reading the story tonight?” (When you imagine this, don’t forget to image hearing the words in stereo!)

Our nightly family tradition represents the larger tradition of storytelling in our society.

New Tool for creating and sharing slides

Here’s a new online tool (280 Slides) that you can use (very similar to Keynote) that allows you to create presentations and embed/post them to your own site. It tries to make it seem like you are using software, when you are in fact just using your browser.

I very quickly tested it out. I didn’t find it easy to navigate or to use–but I am not a keynote user. I’ll need to give it more time.

Plutoid – We finally have an answer!

Today is a MOMENTOUS day in science. I am thrilled because I FINALLY have the answer!

Let me back track a bit, before I tell you the “big news”. You see, about a year or so ago, I started telling my then 3 year old identical twin daughters, “I loved you from here to Pluto and back.

Sections for scientific poster presentation

Recently I delivered a seminar on Scientific Poster Presentation. I made a handout to provide details on what you should include (and exclude) for each section of the poster.

I thought you might find this useful so I decided to post.

If you disagree or have something to add or modify it would be great if contributed via the comments. I will update based on feedback. Oh, here ya go..

Best Presentations You've Ever Seen

About six months ago I decided to post a question on LinkedIn to find out what the BEST presentations are. I’ve been searching high and low on the internet.

Now I am asking tweeple from Twitter to tweet-in with their thoughts.

Tell us in the comments the BEST presentations you ever saw and if you have an extra moment, tell us why!
Here’s what I have so far from my friends on LinkedIn…

Copyright Lisa B. Marshall ©2012-2016. All Rights Reserved. Photo of Lisa B. Marshall by Joan Ford Photography.