Chris Brogan 2011 Trends Social Media

Here’s the interview I did with Chris Brogan.  It’s about 15 minutes long.

Here’s what we talked about…

I just interviewed Chris Brogan on 2011 trends…here are some of the things we talked about.
1. Organizations embracing social media
2. Measuring by business numbers (not social media fans/friends)
2. 4G/Mobile Tech (tablet, phones, etc.)
3. Video

Passion – The Bob Seger Experience

Public Speaking, Bob Seger, & Passion

Last week on the show I talked about Bob Seger…
The Secret to Great Public Speaking

Why did I talk about him?
I love Bob Seger–not because of his music, but because of his passion. I went to a concert when I was high school and I when I was watching Bob and his band play I felt like they were just a bunch of high school boys horsing around and playing music in someone’s basement.

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What exactly is a blog?

What exactly is a blog?
Should I be blogging?
What it the time commitment involved with creating a blog?
How often should I blog?
What content should go in my blog?
How long should the blog entries be?
How should the content be written?
Should I hire a professional editor for my blog?

These and other questions will be answered in a new series.

What would motivate YOU? Please Comment on 4 Questions!

Need Your Feedback!!
I’m hoping to create the “the new guide to conversation, collaboration and influence for the digital age”
(think the new Win Friends and Influence People…)

Here are titles under consideration at this point in time. Which do you prefer?

Connect. Collaborate. Communicate.

Our Networking Tips? (Need your help!)

I just finished a 15 Tip series on better networking. I am now asking everyone in my professional network to put the first principle of networking into practice. What’s that you say? It’s GIVING!

I’d like us, all together, to co-create a book on networking tips. If you submit your tip(s) and your affiliation, I’ll promise to put the book together and offer for free.

What is that?

Listener Chitra Sivasankar from India shared a very touching video on his Facebook Wall. Maybe you’ve seen it?

It’s a video of an old man asking his grown son several times “What is that?” The first time the son responds, “A Sparrow”. The son gets progressively impatient with the father. Eventually he explodes at him, “Dad, It’s a s-p-a-r-r-o-w.

The Truth About the PodCast Awards

A listener recently said to me, “Ah, I’m glad to hear that you are in it to win it!”  I’d never heard that phrase before, but it’s true.
I’m in it to win it. I’d love to win in the education category of the 2010 Podcast Awards.

But, I’m not going to be able to win without your help.

How To Expand Your Business Through Public Speaking

Public speaking is a great way to affordably target and reach your ‘ideal prospect’. Public speaking allows both entrepreneurs and corporations to build personal relationships with potential customers.  Freely sharing your expertise builds credibility and desire to work with you before the discussion ever moves to price. Remember, prospects are looking for expert information.

Ace Your Interview Cover Design

Cover for Ace Your Interview Ebook

Thanks to Jessi Rios, our new design intern who created this as the cover of the Ace Your Interview eBook.

Copyright Lisa B. Marshall ©2012-2016. All Rights Reserved. Photo of Lisa B. Marshall by Joan Ford Photography.