I stumbled across this keynote speech today. It was delivered by Kristen Pressner, VP, Head of HR Europe, Middle East, Africa, and Latin American for Roche Diagnostics. In this speech I am struck by her honest, educational, and inspiring stories that mirror the feelings and emotions of many women leaders that I have talked with.
How to Make Connections with the Audience
This week I had fun listening to Nigel Marsh’s talk How to Make Work-life Balance Work. Nigel is an author of Fat, Forty, and Fired and Overworked and Underlaid. He talks about the cliche “work-life” balance and how we can actually make that happen.
How to Listen Better
Listening is of the most important skills we need to develop as a leader. Accurate and careful listening to others and quiet, listening to ourselves. It’s funny we teach speaking skills, but we usually don’t actively teach listening skills, well at least most people don’t. In our house, listening was an emphasized skill.
Growing up, family dinners were the norm.
How to Deal with Difficult People
Tom Tenderheart is the CEO of a major widget company. Faced with lower-than-expected third quarter results, he calls a meeting of his nine top executives. At the boardroom table sit Terri Tattletale, Chris Curmudgeon, Ned Know-It-All, Wendy Whiner, Billy Bully, Steve Slacker, Paul Procrastinator, Chad Chatterbox, and Carrie Coldshoulder.
How to Make An Argument Stronger
This week I listened to the talk, Why work doesn’t happen at work by Jason Fried. This is my public speaking analysis focusing on how to make an argument stronger in speeches.
Jason discusses why people don’t seem to get work done at the office. Jason asserts that people tend to be able to work late at night or early in the morning or on the weekends…when they have uninterrupted time.
Public Speaking Lessons from Candy Chang
Although talking about death is generally considered taboo, this TED talk from Candy Chang, titled, Before I Die, I Want To… was an inspiration. She explained the powerful way that death clarifies life and through her art, she wanted to bring that same clarity to her local community.
Public Speaking Tips for Sheryl Sandberg
I recently read Lean In by Sheryl Sandberg, so I went back to re-watch her 2010 TED talk called, Why We Have Too Few Women Leaders. In this talk she talks about why, despite our pride of the increased number of women leaders, we don’t have nearly enough females who are taking the lead in almost any field. She also offers some advice to remedy this situation.
Are Your Recommendations Five Star?
In today’s reputation economy, professionals, like products, are rated and judged based on recommendations. How do I write a LinkedIn recommendation or a recommendation in general? Do you have examples or samples I can see?
The best recommendations is something that could only have been written by you because it is genuine, very specific, and descriptive.
Why your conference calls suck!
Question: How do I get people to pay attention and participate during our conference calls?
Let’s face it. Most conference calls suck. Participants mute their phone and start responding to email or start working on other projects. That’s why I recommend that you implement (Lisa) Marshall Law for better conference calls: add more structure and use engagement/facilitation techniques.
Good Reasons Not To Delegate
Question: I’ve read many experts say that managers must delegate. I’ve also read that managers that don’t delegate won’t last long. But aren’t there things you shouldn’t delegate?
Absolutely. Some things are just too important to hand off. Are you handing off responsibilities that should stay with you? Learn what not to delegate.